Am I the only one here who plays SM? >.> It's a Dance Dance Revolution simulator for the keyboard and you can play with the arrow keys. Here are some videos of myself playing..
those video's are insane btw. well done on that musta took ages to get that good...i'd play it but i think guitar does enough damage to my hands/fingers as it is. lol
Location: At home, content at beating the Domain of Anguish and therefore the entirety of Guild Wars (for now)
Guild: Formerly Charr Slayers Of Ascalon (CSOA), currently unemployed
Profession: W/Mo
AA on Emerald Sword? Man, the highest I can get on that is a B. Stepmania can also be used on the normal pad if you can link your computer to your DDR console. How about Legend of Max, have you tried that one?